Polyfill: map()

Easy Important


Imagine the JavaScript array method .map() does not exist. Your task is to implement a polyfill for .map(), ensuring your solution handles all edge cases. Code your solution in JavaScript and include a short discussion of your methodology.


Hint 1

First, understand what the native map function does. It creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the original array. How can you replicate this behavior?

Hint 2

Your polyfill should extend the Array prototype. Consider how you can add a new method to Array.prototype that mimics the behavior of map.

Hint 3

The core of the map function is applying a callback function to each element of the array. Think about how you can iterate over the array and apply the callback to each element.



The map method is one of the most powerful and frequently used array methods in JavaScript, especially when working with modern frameworks like React. While forEach lets you perform actions with array elements, map takes things a step further by transforming data.

Let's break down how our myMap polyfill works:

First, we define a method on the Array.prototype called myMap. This function accepts a callback function that will be applied to each element in the array:

Array.prototype.myMap = function (callback) {
// Implementation here

At the beginning of our implementation, we do a quick safety check to ensure the callback is actually a function:

if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
throw new Error(`${callback} is not a function`);

This helps provide meaningful errors rather than mysterious failures later. After confirming we have a valid callback, we create a new array to hold our transformed values:

let mappedArray = [];

This is a crucial part of what makes map different from forEach. While forEach just performs an action and doesn't return anything useful, map always produces a new array with the same length as the original. Each element in this new array corresponds to an element in the original array, but transformed by the callback.

Next, we iterate through each element in the array:

for (const element of this) {

For each element, we call the callback function and push the result into our new array. The callback is responsible for transforming each value however we need.

Finally, we return the newly created array:

return mappedArray;

The real power of map comes from its ability to transform data without mutating the original array. This makes it perfect for functional programming patterns and frameworks like React that prefer immutability.

When would you use map? Here are some common scenarios:

  1. Data transformation - Converting an array of objects into a different format
  2. Rendering lists in React - Creating UI components from an array of data
  3. Math operations - Applying mathematical operations to every value in an array
  4. String manipulations - Transforming text in an array of strings

Unlike forEach, the map method produces a value - specifically a new array containing the results of applying the callback to each element. This makes it chainable with other array methods, allowing for powerful data transformations in a clean, readable way.

Common Pitfalls

  • Forgetting to Return a Value: The most common mistake when using map is forgetting to return a value from the callback function. If you don't return anything, you'll end up with an array full of undefined values.

  • Mutating the Original Array: Remember, map is designed to create a new array without changing the original. Modifying the original array inside your callback can lead to confusing bugs.

  • Using map When forEach Is More Appropriate: If you're not using the returned array, forEach might be more appropriate. Using map just for side effects is considered poor practice.

  • Expecting to Skip Elements: Unlike filter, map always produces an array of the same length as the original. If your callback doesn't return a value for certain elements, those positions will contain undefined.
