Find Security Issue



Can You Identify the Security Issue in This Code Snippet?

const data = await fetch(“api”);
const div = document.getElementById(“todo”);
div.innerHTML = data;

The Issue

This is perfect example of Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attack. Let's break down the code to understand how it works.

  • We fetch the data from the api endpoint.
  • We grab the div element from the DOM with the id todo.
  • We directly insert the API response into our HTML using innerHTML

The problem is that we're trusting the API data completely! If that data contains malicious JavaScript code like <script>stealUserData()</script> or <img src="x" onerror="runMaliciousCode()">, our application will happily insert it into the DOM and execute it.

Why is this dangerous?

When malicious code executes in your user's browser:

  • It can steal authentication cookies
  • It can access sensitive information on the page
  • It can perform actions on behalf of the user
  • It can modify the page content to trick the user

How can we fix it?

  • Use textContent instead of innerHTML to insert the data into the DOM
  • Use a library like DOMPurify to sanitize the data
const data = await fetch(“api”);
const div = document.getElementById(“todo”);
div.textContent = DOMPurify.sanitize(data);



Why use textContent over innerHTML
