City Fetcher API Challenge

Easy Important


In JavaScript, we have two existing APIs that provide state and city data. Your task is to implement a function that fetches and combines data from both APIs to return all cities in a given country.


Implement a function getAllCities(country) that uses the provided APIs (getStates and getCities) to return a promise resolving to an array of all cities in the given country.

Available APIs

  • getStates(country) → Promise<string[]> // Returns array of state codes
  • getCities(state) → Promise<string[]> // Returns array of cities in state


async function getAllCities(country) {
try {
// 1. Get states first
// 2. For each state, how will you get cities?
// 3. How will you combine all the cities?
// 4. Return the final result
} catch (error) {
// How will you handle errors?


Code Explanation 💻

Fetch States

  • Call getStates(country) and await its result
  • Returns: ['CA', 'NY', 'WA']

Create Promises for Cities

  • Map over states array to create an array of promises
  • Each promise represents a call to getCities(state)
  • Returns: [Promise(CA cities), Promise(NY cities), Promise(WA cities)]

Resolve All Promises

  • Use Promise.all() to wait for all city requests to complete
  • Returns nested array:
['LA', 'SF', 'SD'], // CA cities
['LA1', 'SF1', 'SD1'], // NY cities
['LA2', 'SF2', 'SD2'], // WA cities

Flatten Results

  • Use flat() to combine all cities into a single array
  • Final result: ['LA', 'SF', 'SD', 'LA1', 'SF1', 'SD1', 'LA2', 'SF2', 'SD2']

Concept Explanation 🧠


  • Makes asynchronous code look synchronous
  • Improves code readability
  • Simplifies error handling with try/catch


  • Executes all city requests in parallel
  • More efficient than sequential requests
  • Returns array of results in same order as input

Error Handling

  • try/catch block catches errors from both APIs
  • Properly propagates errors up the chain

Array Methods

  • map(): Transforms array of states into array of promises
  • flat(): Combines nested arrays into single array