Crack Frontend
The interactive learning experience with a strategic roadmap that helps you master frontend interviews questions from top tech companies within 12 weeks.
It's highly effective
User Interface
This interview requires you to build UI components that demonstrate your mastery of React, JavaScript, and CSS.
Practice with real interview challenges sourced directly from top tech companies.
Each challenge includes a detailed prompt, clear requirements, interactive playground, strategic hints, common pitfalls, and an evaluation rubric used by interviewers.
JavaScript Questions
Master core JavaScript concepts through hand picked interview challenges in our interactive environment.
Practice everything from closures, currying, and promises to browser events, objects, timers, polyfills, and performance optimization functions.
Flatten Array
Takes a nested array and merges all its layers into a single, flat array.
Click by Domains
Record the clicks for each domain and subdomain.
Nested Filtering
Filter multi dimensional array that can contain any type of data.
A function that clears all active JavaScript timeouts at once.
Contiguous History
The longest contiguous sequence of URLs that appears in the browsing histories of users.
Polyfill: map()
Generates a new array by applying a function to each item without native functionality.
Processing data sequentially through functions.
Dbouncing enhances performance by delaying function execution until a certain period of inactivity.
Throttling optimizes performance by limiting function execution to a specified rate.
Technique of translating a function that takes multiple arguments into a sequence of functions.
Tricky Closure
Closure is not capturing a value, it is preserving access to a variable.
Immutability Challenge
Enhance a given class to return immutable copies of its instances.
Chaining: Calculator
Class with methods for arithmetic operations, enabling successive method calls.
Deep Flatten Object
Each nested property is flattened into a flat property.
Bind Polyfill
Replicate the behaviour of built in Function.prototype.bind() method.
Shallow Equality
Comparison of the immediate proprties of two objects or arrays.
Deep Merge
Seamlessly combine multiple objects, respecting the intricacies of nested structures.
Flatten Array
Takes a nested array and merges all its layers into a single, flat array.
Click by Domains
Record the clicks for each domain and subdomain.
Nested Filtering
Filter multi dimensional array that can contain any type of data.
A function that clears all active JavaScript timeouts at once.
Contiguous History
The longest contiguous sequence of URLs that appears in the browsing histories of users.
Polyfill: map()
Generates a new array by applying a function to each item without native functionality.
Processing data sequentially through functions.
Dbouncing enhances performance by delaying function execution until a certain period of inactivity.
Throttling optimizes performance by limiting function execution to a specified rate.
Technique of translating a function that takes multiple arguments into a sequence of functions.
Tricky Closure
Closure is not capturing a value, it is preserving access to a variable.
Immutability Challenge
Enhance a given class to return immutable copies of its instances.
Chaining: Calculator
Class with methods for arithmetic operations, enabling successive method calls.
Deep Flatten Object
Each nested property is flattened into a flat property.
Bind Polyfill
Replicate the behaviour of built in Function.prototype.bind() method.
Shallow Equality
Comparison of the immediate proprties of two objects or arrays.
Deep Merge
Seamlessly combine multiple objects, respecting the intricacies of nested structures.
Roll call
Creates a function that allows you to call out names from an array one by one.
Right or Wrong?
Make sure the log function outputs the right value.
Capturing in IIFEs
Closures and nested functions in JavaScript using IIFEs
Convert a hexadecimal color code to and RGB color code
Timer Manager
Manages multiple timers, offering set, clear, pause, resume, and clear-all functionalities.
Traverse DOM Tree
Traverse DOM tree and flatten it into a one-dimensional array.
Cancel Request
How can I abort a Fetch API request in JavaScript?
Local Storage Expiry
Extend the functionality of the browser's localStorage to include an expiry feature.
Digital Clock
A function that creates a digital clock.
A function that clears all active JavaScript intervals at once.
Retry Promise N Times
Retries a promise returning function with optional delays until success or a max attempt limit.
Event Emitter
Emits events and registers listeners for handling asynchronous operations.
Parallel Async
Executes multiple asynchronous functions concurrently.
Sequential Async
Executes async functions in sequence, each starting only after the previous one has completed.
Custom Promise
Design a Promise-like class with methods to manually resolve or reject, and to attach callbacks.
Takes a function and returns its memoized variant, optimizing repeated calls.
Roll call
Creates a function that allows you to call out names from an array one by one.
Right or Wrong?
Make sure the log function outputs the right value.
Capturing in IIFEs
Closures and nested functions in JavaScript using IIFEs
Convert a hexadecimal color code to and RGB color code
Timer Manager
Manages multiple timers, offering set, clear, pause, resume, and clear-all functionalities.
Traverse DOM Tree
Traverse DOM tree and flatten it into a one-dimensional array.
Cancel Request
How can I abort a Fetch API request in JavaScript?
Local Storage Expiry
Extend the functionality of the browser's localStorage to include an expiry feature.
Digital Clock
A function that creates a digital clock.
A function that clears all active JavaScript intervals at once.
Retry Promise N Times
Retries a promise returning function with optional delays until success or a max attempt limit.
Event Emitter
Emits events and registers listeners for handling asynchronous operations.
Parallel Async
Executes multiple asynchronous functions concurrently.
Sequential Async
Executes async functions in sequence, each starting only after the previous one has completed.
Custom Promise
Design a Promise-like class with methods to manually resolve or reject, and to attach callbacks.
Takes a function and returns its memoized variant, optimizing repeated calls.
Conceptual questions are a great way to test your understanding of web fundamentals.
We have handpicked questions from HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Security, Performance and Accessibility based on interview experiences.