Master techniques for flattening, filtering, mapping, and reducing data collections, essential for UI development and state management.
Polyfill: concat( )
Generates a new array by applying a function to each item in environments without native functionality.
Polyfill: filter( )
Creates a new array with elements passing a test in environments lacking native support.
Flatten Array
Takes a nested array and merges all its layers into a single, flat array.
Polyfill: map( )
Generates a new array by applying a function to each item in environments without native functionality.
Polyfill: reduce( )
Transforms an array into a single value using a function in unsupported environments.
Polyfill: square( )
Generates a new array with each numeric element squared in environments without native functionality.
Unique Elements
Filter unique elements from an array
Count by Condition
This function counts the elements in a nested array that satisfy a given condition (callback function).
Polyfill: forEach( )
Executes functions on each array element where native support is absent.
Nested Filtering
Filter multi dimensional array that can contain any type of data.
Chop into Chunks
Creates a new array where the original array is divided into multiple chunks each of the specified size.
Click by Domains
Record the clicks for each domain and subdomain.
Contiguous History
The longest contiguous sequence of URLs that appears in the browsing histories of users.
Calendar Manager
Determine availability within a calendar, analyzing a set of times in 24-hour format against a desired slot.