What is difference between preventDefault() and stopPropagation()?



When dealing with events in JavaScript, particularly in React applications, understanding the difference between preventDefault() and stopPropagation() is crucial. These two methods serve different purposes in controlling how events behave in your application.


preventDefault() stops the browser from executing the default action associated with an event. It's like telling the browser, "Hey, I'll handle this myself!"

Default form behavior is a perfect example of when to use this. As you've noted in your text:

When you submit a form, the browser naturally wants to:

  • Send the form data to the URL specified in the action attribute
  • Reload the page (or navigate to a new one)
  • Process the form in the traditional way that predates modern JavaScript
const handleSubmit = (event) => {
event.preventDefault(); // This prevents the page reload!
runSearch(searchTerm); // Now we can handle the submission our own way

By calling preventDefault(), you're interrupting this default behavior so you can handle the form submission with JavaScript instead, creating a smoother single-page application experience.

Other common uses for preventDefault():

  • Preventing a link click from navigating to a new page
  • Preventing the default context menu when right-clicking


stopPropagation() is entirely different - it stops an event from "bubbling up" through the DOM tree. This is about event flow, not default behaviors.

Let me explain event bubbling with an example:

<div id="outer">
<div id="inner">
<button id="button">Click me</button>

If you click the button, the click event will:

  • First trigger on the button element
  • Then "bubble up" to the inner div
  • Finally reach the outer div

If all three elements have click event handlers, all three will execute! This is often useful, but sometimes problematic.

button.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
console.log('Button clicked');
event.stopPropagation(); // This prevents the event from reaching parent elements

inner.addEventListener('click', () => {
console.log('Inner div click handler - this won\'t run because of stopPropagation on button click handler!');

With stopPropagation(), the event stops at the button - it never reaches the inner or outer divs.

Key Differences

Think of it this way:

  • preventDefault() tells the browser "don't do what you normally do with this event"
  • stopPropagation() tells the browser "don't tell my parent elements about this event"

You can use both on the same event if needed:

const handleClick = (event) => {
event.preventDefault(); // Don't follow the link
event.stopPropagation(); // Don't let parent elements know about this click
// Custom handling code here

When To Use Each

Use preventDefault() when:

  • You want to override default browser behavior (form submissions, link clicks)
  • You're handling an action in JavaScript that would normally trigger browser navigation

Use stopPropagation() when:

  • You have nested elements with event handlers
  • You want to prevent parent elements from responding to an event

Understanding these two methods gives you precise control over how events flow through your application and how the browser responds to user interactions!
